John Wooden’s Seven Point Creed

This is John Wooden’s Seven Point creed which was passed to him by his father Joshua upon his graduation from grammar school. Wooden kept this creed in his wallet and printed many copies over the years after the original wore to shreds. 

  1. Be true to yourself. If you are true to yourself, you will be true to all others.
  2. Make each day your masterpiece. Do the best you can. You can’t do anything about yesterday. The future depends on how you prepare yourself today.
  3. Help others. Do something for another, which you didn’t expect something in return. There is real joy in helping others.
  4. Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible.
  5. Make friendship a fine art. Work at it, don’t take it for granted. Friendship is like marriage, its not a one sider. Make a lasting friendship–you have to work at it.
  6. Build a shelter against a rainy day. You’re building that shelter by the life you lead–its not a material shelter.
  7. Pray for guidance and give thanks for your blessings every day. Be thankful to parents and friend and give thanks to the master.


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