
Showing posts from December, 2021

Words Worth Pondering

  To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them.—Charles de Montesquieu  Modesty is a shining light; it prepares the mind to receive knowledge, and the heart for truth. —Madame Guizot  None are so empty as those who are full of themselves.—Benjamin Whichcot  Sense shines with a double luster when it is set in humility. An able and yet humble man is a jewel worth a kingdom.—William Penn The work can wait while you show the child the rainbow, but the rainbow won't wait while you do the work.  A coach who is attempting to teach without inspiring the player with a desire to learn is hammering on a cold iron. Experience is the worst teacher; it gives the test before presenting the lesson. When devotion and skill work together, expect a masterpiece. Acquire new knowledge whilst thinking over the old, and you may become a teacher of others. —Confucius They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. --The Coaching and Leadership Journ

The Frog In The Well

A frog and his family had always lived in a small well and were quite content. The frog thought, life doesn't get any better than this.  One day he looked up and noticed the light at the top of the well. He became curious, wondering what was up there. Against everyone’s advice he climbed the side of the well and looked over the edge.  He saw was a pond. It was much bigger than the well! He ventured farther and discovered a huge lake. The well was a drop in the bucket compared to what God had created for him to enjoy. Moral--Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. Dare to dream bigger.  - -From our book, Leading Narratives

Play To Win

There was a time in most of our lives when we had no fear-that feeling when we jumped from the jungle gym and slammed our bodies to the ground. No goal was unattainable. We were an unstoppable force that would think of something and then make it happen.  Then, as time goes by, the world tells us more frequently that we can't do what we want. The doubters laugh at our goals and try to persuade us from going after our dreams. They say, "You're crazy. It's too hard. Why don't you do this instead? You should play it safe." They act as if dreams were meant for others. They surround us with negative energy and try to instill their own fears in us.  Many of us become so scared of losing what we have that we don't go after what we truly want. We play it safe. We don't take chances that will move us one step towards our dreams.  We see this in sports all the time when a team has the lead. They start to think about how not to lose instead of how to win. They hol