The Frog In The Well

A frog and his family had always lived in a small well and were quite content. The frog thought, life doesn't get any better than this. 

One day he looked up and noticed the light at the top of the well. He became curious, wondering what was up there. Against everyone’s advice he climbed the side of the well and looked over the edge. 

He saw was a pond. It was much bigger than the well! He ventured farther and discovered a huge lake. The well was a drop in the bucket compared to what God had created for him to enjoy.

Moral--Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. Dare to dream bigger. 

--From our book, Leading Narratives

Leading Narratives: 
The perfect collection of stories, jokes and wits of wisdom for leaders

By Dan Spainhour

6 x 9; 124 pages

The book is available from our website & any place books are sold.


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