Are You Afraid Of Success?

Strange as it may seem, many people are more afraid to succeed than to fail. To succeed means that you might have to change your life or get out of your paradigm.

To succeed means taking chances, risks, going for it with an open mind and a willingness to go where your dreams take you. All the while you must understand that living according to your own choices can make you appear a threat to a world bent on keeping people normal and denying personal choice.

Religions, governments, and institutions have flourished for centuries by teaching people that they are unworthy, guilty, and powerless. 

But we are not here to be small and feel bad. If there is a bigger world to live in--and there is--why not go out and find it? We must be careful not to mistake stagnation for security--stagnation is not living. Security is a popular disguise for death. You could appear to have your life together, but you may be dying of stagnation or boredom

If you expect to improve your life, you will have to do something different than what you have been doing. When you decide to go for it you may feel as if your whole world is falling apart. Many of the things you had committed your time, attention, and energy to may start to become meaningless. 

It can be quite unsettling to not enjoy the same circle of friends who want to keep you in your current situation. You may begin to detect how ordinary most people live. I am certainly not making judgments here but when you begin to choose a bigger life you may find yourself moving out of your current circle of friends. And that is a choice you must be willing to make--many people do not make that choice because they are too concerned about what others will think of them. 


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