When You Hit The Wall

We have all experienced what it’s like to “hit the wall.” While the wall is definitely not a good state to be in, there are two important facts we must remember for our own sake as well as that of the people we lead. 

First, everyone must understand that these moments can be overcome. People have more in the tank if they grind it out. Second, when you don’t quit these walls serve as a catalyst for growth and potential future success in a way your team would otherwise never experience. Here are a few more things to think about.

One step at a time. A popular cliché is “one game at a time.” This mentality is imperative for individuals and teams to succeed. When we hit walls, the finish line can seem very distant and the goal, which started out as a motivating force, can instantly become overwhelming and even de-motivating. We must remember that the emotional and physical tank is already running low when the wall comes into the forefront, so the time to focus on the big picture is not now. For this reason, it is imperative to just take the next small step, whichever it may be. 

Positive self-talk. The power of our internal dialogue is well researched and documented. There is no other moment as important as this to use this cognitive skill. When you or your team struggles, the battle has to be waged and won inside the mind. The cognitive-behavioral cycle above helps explain how our thoughts give birth to every result we experience. Every thought is a seed that grows into an attitude or mindset. Our attitudes in turn guide our actions or behaviors, which then yield consequences or results. Our results reaffirm and strengthen our thoughts and the cycle goes on. If we want to have a different outcome, we must first change our “mental playlist” from negative, defeatist thoughts to positive, conquering ones. The use of cue words and affirmations both silently (internally) and aloud (externally) does indeed begin to energize us towards overcoming the wall and allow us to push past it, thus creating a different result. 

Help one another. The beauty of being part of a team is critically important during the difficult moments. The accountability, encouragement and synergy that come from others should never be underestimated.  A relevant metaphor is “iron sharpening iron.” The positive voice of someone with whom you have a good relationship can be an energizing force to propel you past the wall. We must teach and encourage our teams to do this for each other. When you combine the use of positive self-talk and encouraging, uplifting communication, you create a contagious force that builds positive momentum.

Visualization. At its most foundational level, visualizing simply means seeing yourself in the place you want to be. By imagining ourselves successfully overcoming the challenge and believing that we can do it, we unleash the inner power inside our minds to fill our bodies with the belief necessary to continue our climb. “Belief is the mother of all reality.” Visualizing oneself and your teams being successful sets the stage for the materialization of success. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true.

--The Coaching and Leadership Journal

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